The ACÉL-VAKOND Cycling Sports Association (ACV KE) was registered in 2020, mainly on the initiative of the founding members who loved cycling and engage actively in cycling.
Their main goal is to promote amateur and competitive cycling and for everyone to get to know a useful and healthy leisurely time, as well as spreading the beauty of cycling and cycling sports in the widest possible extent.
The base in Zirc gives a huge opportunity to promote both mountain biking and road racing and to organize competitions later.
The main activity of the association is helping young, and adult competitors compete and assisting them to prepare for various competitions at home and abroad. They currently have more than thirty members. They work with young people from U7 to the junior age group, all of whom are licensed riders. They compete actively in many disciplines of cycling, with children competing mainly in the MTB XCO (Mountain Bike Olympic Cross Country) and highway races.
(source: https://acelvakond.hu/acel-vakond-kerekparos-egyes..., and Zirc és Vidéke -Mozgó Világ, issue of 19 June 2020, author of the article: Gábor Kelemen)