In the heart of the Bakony Mountains, in a quiet area just 750 meters from the center, a cozy and well-equipped accommodation awaits those who seek relaxation and tranquility in Zirc. Easily accessible and located in a residential and recreational zone, it offers a perfect retreat. Immerse yourself in the proximity of nature and experience the special hospitality that will enchant you. Leave behind the noise of the busy world and unwind from the stresses of everyday life. Spend a few extraordinary days in our guesthouse.

The Rose Guesthouse offers two rooms and can accommodate up to 6 people. It is equipped with a kitchen and a bathroom. Please note that pets are not allowed.

Hasonló találatok


8420, Zirc, Deák Ferenc utca 51.

The well-equipped guest house complies with all of today’s needs. It is located 100 to the forest.
A room can be booked without...

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8420 Zirc, Békefi Antal utca 21.

Family-friendly Apartment at a high lying street in Zirc. Large house interior, with a garden for children to play, and adults...

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8420 Zirc, Hóvirág u.45.

The 2-story family house with a courtyard is located in Zirc of the capital of Bakony, with a guest house on the lower floor...

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8420 Zirc, Hóvirág u.72.

Our family house is located in the heart of Bakony, at the end of a quiet street of Zirc.

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Zirc, Március 15 tér 1. • +36 88 593 700, +36 30 294 7499 •