Source: www.regulymuzeum.hu
The exhibition is closed.
‘Treasures in the attic’ – open storeroom
In the open storeroom, we can learn about the old woodworking tools during the presentation of our ethnographic collection via professional guided tours and museum educational activities. We can get an insight into the work of a painter and graphic artist during the presentation of our visual arts collection and recall the previous image of Zirc while browsing our photo collection. In the showroom, we can see the over 200-year-old Baroque truss in its original shape, which was made by carpenters of the Bakony Mountains.
Important parts of the open storeroom are the information points that offer full access to the museum collection in digital form.
Reguly Antal Museum and House of Arts and Crafts
8420 Zirc, Rákóczi tér 10.
Tel.: +36/30/2376493, +36 88 415 422
E-mail: regulymuzeum@regulymuzeum.hu